Tove Sivertsen
CEO/Business Developer
Bent O. Hansen
COO/Business Developer
Anders Hellegaard
Business Developer
Sigve Sandvik Skretting
Business Developer
Sina Tjøtta
Storyteller / Business Developer
Heidi Netland Berge
Business Developer
Guro Helgesdotter Rognså
Business Advisor
Hilde Uppstad
Business Advisor
Camilla Rosenlund
TEAL was founded in 2007. (The name was Ryfylke Næringshage until June 2021) TEAL is part of the nationwide Næringshage program which is administered by the County Municipality and Siva.
By focusing on and strengthening the investment in blue-green industries such as greenhouses and agriculture, aquaculture, local food, tourism and other relevant industries, our main goal is to contribute to increased value creation, growth and development of the business community in the region.
Our contribution to competence development is mostly channeled through the popular Growth Program. But can otherwise be summarized in the following:
Business development and business consulting, with experienced business developers in most areas such as:
Network building, both with accessibility for established networks and the establishment of new ones
Strategy processes
Board work
Accounting and finance
Sales and marketing
Financing and investor search
By virtue of being part of the nationwide Næringshageprogrammet, many of our partners believe that our greatest strength is to be door openers to the many opportunities that the public and private business players have to offer.
It is at the crossroads between business developer-collaboration-network-customer that the exciting interactions take place, and we therefore look at all our business relationships as Partners of TEAL.